

On 14 September, the moderator Julian took the participants to a field trip from Shimbashi Station to Tokyo Station. Before the field trip, there was a discussion about "city". Students from University of Adelaide also joined.

Here is a report on the field trip.
◎ Shimbashi station / SL square(新橋駅/SL広場) 
“Square” is a symbolic space and has important meaning in western history. Because...
People / market gather there = the heart of the city
There are important buildings, state buildings, palace etc.

How about in Tokyo? In old Tokyo, bridges were important, and people, market, and entertainment gathered there. In 1872, the starting point of modern era in Japan, the first railway system opened from Shimbashi to Ueno, and ”square” emerged around there.

Julian said ”You'll find symbolic architecture, making "square" in Tokyo, such as police box, advertising, sign of Lions club, and minor monument(bronze statue).”
Police box : This is made to maintain the order of public space. This surveillance system was made in Tokugawa regime.
Advertising : Screens deliver the news, and billboards show commercial culture. These things show freedom in public space.
Sign of the Lions Club : The Lions Club was privately set up for keeping public order, in fact, it looks like the police.
Minor monuments (bronze statues) : Shapes of lion, a woman with a dog and naked woman...these subjects are looked in many places in Japan. But Who made these? Statues have a positive message, but nobody knows and minds.”
Julian picked up a statue “the Fountain of Love (愛の泉)”, 1974. This statue shows all come together and love each other at Shimbashi. So, 40 years ago, did nobody come together and love each other at Shimbashi ? In fact, there is a secret history on SL square. After the WWⅡ, the black market opened and had maintained. But in 1964, when Tokyo Olympic was hold, a clean image of the city became important and the black market disappeared. But the rest of this is in New Shimbashi Building, particularly in the underground shopping center.
Like this, many things made in different times exist, and these were not designed. But you go to opposite side of SL square, you will find the designed architecture in 21st century.


◎ Old Shimbashi railway station(旧新橋停車場)
This was made in 1872, and rebuilt in 2006. This is not the original, but the replication of the old building. The Old building was destroyed by the earthquake in 1923. Julian said ” This was “futuristic” in 1872, big and heavy, made by stone, and monument in the city, by contrast with wood houses and lower life style using tatami and shoji.” 


◎ Nakagin Capsule Tower Building(中銀カプセルタワービル)
This was designed by a member of the Metabolism group, Kisho Kurokawa, and constructed in 1972. This is an emblem of 1960s, shows optimism, dynamism, enthusiasm in the period of high economic growth. Many companies rented rooms and used like a hotel for young business men who could not catch the last train.
This will be rebuilt in the near future because of some demerits (for example, because of the shape, it’s difficult to maintain the building). In Japan, building is the thing to be consumed and does not have durability. “Is this match with your futuristic image?” Julian said. And he asked participants “In 2050, if this building is re-rebuilt, architects make it as historical memory of 20th century?”
中銀カプセルタワービルは、メタボリズムを提唱したグループの一人、黒川紀章によってデザインされ、1972年に建設され ました。1960年代の象徴であり、高度成長時代における楽観主義やダイナミズム、そして熱狂を見て取ることができます。多くの会社がここに部屋を借り て、終電を逃した若い会社員が泊まれるホテルのように使っていました。
この建物は近い将来立て直されることが決まっています。日本では、建築物は 永続性を持たないものと見なされています。Julian「これは未来のイメージと合うでしょうか?」「もし2050年に立て直されるとしたら、建築家たち はこれを20世紀の歴史的記念碑にするでしょうか?」

 Julian also turned the skyscrapers of Shiodome area, the opposite side of Nakagin Capsule Tower Building, and focused on the monorail and pedestrian bridges. “In 20th century, overhead traffic system was useful because of space, and these blue pedestrian bridges are also useful to save children from traffic accidents... and these has some romantic stories, like a girl and a boy falling in love, a musician getting a dream.”
Julian asked “So, a pedestrian bridge is private or public space? Which parts of the city belong to you?”


◎ Ginza 4-chome crossing(銀座4丁目交差点)
This is the crossing, where the land price is the highest in Japan, designed with western way in 19th century. At that time, many bricks were used to construct. West side of the crossing has been the merchandise area since 19th century, showing consumer culture. Some new ideas were born, “Ginbura (means walking around Ginza)”was one of those. Wajiro Kon did fieldworks in 1920s, known as “the study of modern social phenomena(Kogengaku/考現学).” And east side has been the business district. But now there are more shops in the east side.


◎ Tokyo International Forum(東京国際フォーラム)
This was super-expensive convention centre, designed by the architect, Rafael Viñoly. This has curve like railway line, and 3 boxes line up in diagonal.


◎ The Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum (三菱一号館美術館)
This building was built in 1895 by the architect Kingo Tatsuno, and rebuilt 3 years ago. Buildings in this area which belong to Mitsubishi Co.ltd. were made by bricks like London, and used to be called London-Block. Brick was the symbol of western civilization. But after the earthquake in 1923, the buildings were destroyed and reborn as a concrete city.
Julian said “This historical preservation by replant is often looked now in Tokyo. In Marunouchi, it looks like a common-sense approach to form lost past.”


◎ Tokyo station(東京駅)→ KITTE(キッテ)
This is the center of train system in Japan.
100 years ago, the imperial railway was drew up for leading to Taipei. And the station building was designed by Kingo Tatsuno. This western-like architecture had a special entrance for the emperor, known as Marunouchi entrance now, leading to the boulevard for the imperial palace.
Across the street, you’ll find KITTE. In 1920s, KITTE was built as a post office, designed by Tetsuro Yoshida, an in-house designer in Ministry of Communications and Transportation(逓信省). It showed an international modernism, “Bauhaus style.” It became old, and renewed as a post office and shopping building in 2013. Marunouchi area, buildings around Tokyo station and KITTE, was re-developed in 10 years.


Also, hereby a participant Mr. Nakayama shows his feedback.

■Nothing is NORMAL
Through field trip, I found lots of interesting objects which I don’t care before. (ex. a statue in front of Shinbashi sta.) Even though I’m Japanese, I felt that Tokyo has some kind of exotic feeling.
Unconsciously we get use to live in this big city with no question. However, I found that this city is full of questions.
It might be an interesting experiment to see the city where you live from eyes of foreign people. It will give you some new perspective of the city.
今回、Jullianの話やアデレード大学の学生さん達と街を歩きながら、当たり前 なっていた街の景色も、初めて見る人の目を通してみると今まで気づかなかった新しい発見があるのが面白かったです。例えば、新橋駅前の銅像なんて気にした こともなかったし、昔のバラック街の名残があるなんてことも知りませんでした。それから東京の街をまじまじ観察してみると、日本人の自分にとってさえも何 処か異国感があるなと。

■Feel story of the city
In Tokyo, you can find many historical objects/architectures which reflect old time life. We can feel some story from those objects and it will make your life in the city richer and happier. One of my friends told me “if you love your city, you feel happy only you live.”

It was interesting that some student said his impression of the Tokyo is “disconnected.” I think not only foreign people but even Japanese might feel this.
Is there any urban cities where we can feel “connected”? If no, how we can make connected feeling in urban cities?

- There was no square in Japan. Instead, bridges had important role before. After railway system was introduced, the landscape of the city was totally changed.
- Japanese architectures have unique rules; those will be destroyed in 40-50 years due to Japanese accounting rules.
- Pedestrian walkways are the place where romance starts.
- MUJI is realization of Bauhous philosophy.
- Along with the decline of Japanese population, urban architecture will change.

Through the trip, participants got to know how the cities/area was developed and its meaning. At first, students from University of Adelaide had futuristic impression of Tokyo, but they found some retrospective/nostalgic images especially around Shimbashi station and Tokyo station.
街がどのように作られたかという歴史とその読み解き方を知ったことで、普段は見過ごしてきた風景が意味合いをもって感じられるようになったかと思います。また、アデレード大学の皆さんは東京に対して未来的な印象を 持っていたようですが、場所によってそれぞれ個性があり、とりわけ今回訪れた新橋や東京には、昔の様式を模した建築物が多く、懐古的でノスタルジックなイ メージも発見できたようです。

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